Wednesday 16 November 2011

The stippling brush

One of my latest favourite tools has been the stippling brush. I had heard a lot about the brush on YouTube and other blogs. So I decided to buy one off of eBay for around $4.00. Since I have started using the brush, it has been the only thing I have used to apply my foundation because it gets into every little crease and crevice on your face and gives you a flawless airbrushed look. On days where I'm just going to school or work, I don't like to wear heavy foundation so I will use a tinted moisterizer and use the stippling brush to apply it to my face. On weekends when I'm going out and I do want the extra coverage I use a high coverage foundation. Either way, the stippling brush does the job.

Now you might be thinking, "okay this brush sounds great, but how do you use it?"

So here's how you use the brush.....

1. I apply foundation to the back of my hand. You could use a plate or something else if you like, me personally, I like to use my hand.

2. I take the brush and dab it into the foundation, you don't need to press it hard into the foundation, just lightly so it picks it up on the tips of the bristles of the brush.

3. Then you dab it all over your face. It will look kinda funny at this point but in the end it looks nice. Again, DO NOT press hard just lightly dab it onto your skin.

4. Then you are going to take your brush and swirl the bristels into your skin to blend it in really well. I find that this gives an amazing finish, I like it a lot better than using my fingers or a brush. But that's my opinion, not everyone will feel the same way.

It seems like it seems like it will take a long time to apply your foundation this way, but once you get used to doing it, it doesn't take all that long. It's the results that count!

If anyone has any questions about the stippling brush just ask!!

Thanks for reading!

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