Wednesday 27 July 2011

Fake Mac eyeshadows


       A month ago I bought 3 fake MAC eyeshadows off of ebay. They were 99 cents each so I figured I would try them out just to see how well they worked. I got a dark green colour, a navy blue and a purple. There is a lot of hype on youtube about these fake MAC eyeshadows and to be careful what you are buying. For me, I actually don't mind the fake ones. It's not as good as real MAC eyeshadows but it is quite comparable and extremely affordable. The quality of the fake ones is actually quite nice and pretty pigmented. For being a dollar each, it's really not that bad.I haven't had any problems with them or noticed it to irritate my skin or anything like that. So that being said, I will continue to use them. It is bad to buy the fake products though, so I probably won't buy them again. But for anyone who is thinking about buying them, they really aren't that bad. Plus they are cheap.

                                                        left: fake MAC  right: real MAC

The difference between real MAC eyeshadows and the fake ones is the fake ones come with a sponge applicator and mirror on the bottom of the eyeshadow. the real MAC eyeshadows don't come with this. When I say the mirror and the applicator are on the bottom, I mean that when you open the eyeshadow there is another half to it where the mirror and applicator sit.
Anyways, really for a dollar it's not all that bad.

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