Wednesday 7 September 2011

my new favourite product

The other day I went to the mall with a friend and as we were wandering around I saw the LUSH store. I have been in the store before but I was very turned off by their prices. I looked at the soaps and i was like "ten dollars for soap?! Thats crazy," but i had heard from another friend about how great their products are. So i decided to give LUSH another try. As I started looking at things rather than prices I realized I was in trouble because I wanted to buy EVERYTHING!!

In the end I settled for a solid body tint in black stockings, a twilight bath bomb and a lip scrub in sugar lips. I absolutely love all 3 products.

The one that stands out most to me is the solid body tint in black stockings. I had never seen anything like it before and once I tried some on my skin, i knew instantly that i needed to buy it. It was $8.95. It seems a bit expensive, but i know that this bar will last me a longggg time. The great thing about this body tint is the fact that it moisterizes your skin as well as gives you a subtle shimmery glow. Its great for people like me who have very fair skin because it just gives you such a beautiful sun kissed look. I also like that it is a very subtle shimmer rather than an overload on sparkle which looks fake and silly to me. This product gives a more natural sun kissed look.

You might be asking yourself, "how do you use a solid body tin?" Well, all you have to do is take the small heart bar and rub it onto your skin, then use your hand to kind of smooth it around a bit. You can use it basically anywhere you want. I use it mostly on my face and arms, but I have used it on my legs as well.
This is probably one of my favourite buys from this summer! I would recommend that EVERYONE try it!! Let me know what you think of course.

The bar is also very portable, I just leave it in the LUSH bag it came in and throw it into my purse or makeup bag and I'm good to go. It takes like 10 seconds to apply and it smells AH-MAZING!! It's a very sweet but spicy smell at the same time because it has spicy pimento berry oil and cinnamon in it. This will definitly be something I will probably buy over and over and OVER again! This is how much I love it. I seriously can't praise this product enough. Of course, I could be different than other people and everything in this blog is all my opinion so some people might love it as much as me but others might hate it. YOU NEVER KNOW!

Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

which cosmetic could I not live without?

I was thinking this morning on my way to school about what kind of makeup product I could never live without. So I thought about it and which product would make help the most if I couldn't have anything else.

No it wasn't foundation or concealer, not lipgloss or eyeshadow. I felt like the product that would benefit me most if I could only use one would be mascara.

Mascara made the most sense for me because it helps give girls that more feminine look. It gives girls a pretty yet simple look.

It wouldn't matter if I had a zit or redness because I would have mascara on which would bring more attention to my eyes rather than any blemishes I may have.

Mascara is my favorite part of my makeup routine because it helps make your eyes look so big and doll like.

I wanted to talk about this today to help get everyone thinking, so think long and hard about what product or makeup tool you couldn't live without. You can only pick one!!

Thanks for reading!

My first day back to school look!!

Today was my first day back to college for my last year of Journalism. I was really nervous to go back to school, but excited at the same time. The night before, I was trying to plan out what I was going to wear and how I was going to do my makeup. I didn't want to be too fancy or too over the top. I wanted to look cute, but professional at the same time. Afterall, I'm not in high school anymore.

So starting off with my outfit from the bottom up. On my feet I wore a pair of gladiator style sandals from aldo. These shoes are my all time favourite shoes!

For pants, I wore a dark wash pair of skinny jeans from Sirens Fashions. I have had these jeans for like 3 years and I still love them.


For my shirt I wore a slouchy bright blue quarter length sleeve shirt. It's very lightweight and soft material. It looks very nice for school but its still comfortable at the same time. I bought the shirt a couple weeks ago at Urban Behaviour for around $8.00 which was really cheap so I bought it in white as well. lol!

For a necklace I wore a seahorse necklace on a silver coloured chain. I wore this because me and one of my best friends bought them as best friend necklaces and we promised each other we would wear them on our first day of school this year as good luck. Silly? I know but hey, no one ever really completely grows up right. Plus the necklace added a little bling to my outfit.

For makeup, I did my usual face makeup routine with bb cream, concealer, powder finish, bronzer and a bit of blush. I wanted to keep things simple because my program is more of a business environment so I just wore a shimmer white shadow to help make my eyes stand out, then my falsies mascara by maybelline and mac's black eyeliner. So nothing too crazy with the makeup today. I kept my hair pin straight today just to give that polished off look.

Overall, I really liked my look today. I got a lot of compliments from the other girls at school so I think it was successful! :) Check out my twitter account to see pictures of my outfit!

Thanks for reading!